Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have to head out soon to get an H1N1 shot. There are a lot of influenza-like illnesses (ILIs) showing up around here, and according to someone involved with public health in a nearby community, 100% of the nose and throat swabs in her hospital are H1N1 positive. That doesn't mean that it's all H1N1, but it does mean that there's a high chance of catching it when you're working in an ED and half of the people you see everyday are coming in, worried that they or their kids are going to bite the dust from swine flu. That doesn't worry me so much as having to miss a week of electives because I'm too contagious to work with patients.

Saw some interesting things in the emerg yesterday that I'm still digesting.

There will also be some photos of Yellowknife's beautiful Canadian Shield landscape.

Milk is exorbitant around here. Fresh produce, surprisingly, is not.

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